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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hazards hidden and Not-So-Hidden weight gain

An estimated 300,000 deaths are allocated each year to the excessive weight gain or obesity. A gain of only 10 to 20 pounds can increase risk chronic health problems and terminal illness, particularly among adults aged 30 to 64. Dramatic weight observed in some children that can lead to continuous battles with excessive weight gain is also at risk. Obvious concerns include activity reduction and lethargy, there are so many issues over which may occur:

? High tension.Deux times more common in adults who are obese, high blood pressure can lead to many other problems of health traits.
? Diseases of the heart.The risk of a heart attack, congestive heart failure, angina and chest pain increases considerably with people who are overweight.
Weight only 11 to 18 pounds diabète.Gain ? increases your risk of developing diabetes type 2 2 times more than others who maintained a healthy weight.
Cancer ?.Obesity may increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including the gall bladder, prostate, kidney, colon and breast cancer.
? breathing problems.Severe bronchitis, asthma and obstructive sleep apnea are more frequent in people suffering from obesity and excess weight gain.
? osteoarthritis .Gain increased weight may exercise additional pressure on the joints and cartilage, which causes strain and wear away.

Don't put not your health at risk living long and healthy, which allows you to enjoy your family and your amis.Percées scientific and revolutionary technology offer a revolutionary to treat excessive médicale.Sous specially trained physicians and staff, child condition using the well tested and guaranteed medical weight loss programs can help you weight solution combat and prevent the taking of junk-are hazards, hidden and nonhidden, victims may be permanent in your body damage or end your life too soon.

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